Sunday, November 19, 2006

Supernatural Episode 3 Dead in the water

Episode 3 dead in the water
Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin
Sophie Carlton goes for a morning swim in the lake near her house. Swimming for awhile, she’s a considerable distance from shore when, suddenly, she is dragged under. She never surfaces.
Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin
A week later, while searching for their father, Dean discovers a newspaper article about the young woman’s death, the third one to occur this year. They go to Lake Manitoc and talk to Sophie’s brother Will, introducing themselves as Agents Ford and Hamill of the Fish and Wildlife Service. They learn he saw…something…on the lake, but he is not sure what. The father, Bill Carlton, is a wreck and Will politely asks that he be left alone.
The sheriff’s office is their next stop. There they learn from Sheriff Jake Devins that the lake hosts no large carnivores, and that the sheriff thinks the stressful situation might have caused Will to see something that wasn’t there. But he can’t explain why dragging the lake and scanning it with sonar failed to discover Sophie’s body. Devins also reveals that the lake will shortly disappear; lack of funding to repair the dam that creates it means the floodgates have been opened full. In a few months, the lake will be gone. The also meet the sheriff’s daughter Andrea, and her young son Lucas, who is very shy.
For more summery in detail click here

For online video of this episode

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